Sunday, September 23, 2012

Another Sunday Pick-Me-Up

I think it is fair to say that today is one of those days where all I want to do is snuggle up with my puppy on my couch and watch romantic chick flicks with a box of Kleenex on the side table to my left, a bowl of popcorn on my lap, and some sort of chocolate concoction sitting on the coffee table ready for me to switch of between it and the popcorn. You all know how satisfying that salty and sweet combination is. Don't deny it. Now as appealing as this sounds, it's partly impossible. I can't go just hop in my imaginary car and drive ten hours to see my puppy or sit on my couch. So instead I will sit on my twin bed with my pillow pet. Not quite what I had in mind, but a sufficient substitute. Unfortunately, I can't even do this today. I am a slave to my computer, solving countless algebra equations. I'm also buried under my textbooks, studying and trying my best to absorb any amount of information. So, I need a pick me up. I don't like coffee, but I do like pinterest. I'm assuming I am not the only one who saves an entire week's worth of homework for Sunday. In that case, you all may enjoy these too!
So funny!rolls!
Who knew

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